New Library Project

See project updates and goals.

Project Overview

Phase 1

Planning and designing

Define project vision.

read more

phase 2

Funding and permitting

Secure funding.

phase 3

construction and opening

Break ground.

Phase 1

Planning and Designing


in progress

where we're at

  • Gathered community input through surveys, most recently in Summer 2023.
  • Conducted a spatial analysis with MRV Architects.
  • Requested the Planning Commission and City Council to allocate a site on the Ward Cove Cannery property for a new library building.

Next Steps

  • Once an plan has been developed for the Ward Cove Cannery Uplands, we will receive an allotment for the building site.

Action items

  • Continue collaborating with MRV Architects to develop conceptual sketches, visualizing the potential design of the new library building.

Phase 2

Funding and permitting



where we're at

  • Gathered information on funding sources from other libraries in Alaska that have built new buildings.

Next Steps

  • Develop a comprehensive funding plan which might include public funding, grants, donations or fundraising campaigns.

action items

  • Keep up-to-date with potential funding sources.

Phase 3

Consturction and Opening


Initiation pending

where we're at

  • Initiation pending.


  • Initiation pending.

action items

  • Initiation Pending

How can you support this project?

Participate in City Council and Planning Commission meetings to stay informed and voice support.

Attend Public meetings

Write letters to the local newspaper, elected officials and community leaders. Highlight the benefits of the new library.

Write letters of support

Coming Soon!
